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Uptime Engineering > Uptime magazine

The Uptime Magazine:
Reliability Know-How at First Hand

Reliability is a wide field reaching from materials technology to systems engineering. The contributions by a range of disciplines all form the reliability process. We illuminate current aspects in the magazine from different perspectives. The contributions cover customer projects, research results, methods, and software features.

Anomaly detection for condition-based maintenance

How do we find out that something is wrong with the technology - and why...
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The role of the digital twin in maintenance

The digital representation of the structure and hierarchy of a mechatronic system often seems like...
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Is predictive maintenance a useful concept?

“Operate systems until there is a machine crash?” or “Try to predict the remaining lifespan...
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Data quality for maintenance optimization

The quality of current time series data is often inadequate for analytics for maintenance optimization....
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The knowledge base for development and maintenance

The knowledge of developers and maintenance technicians is the decisive competitive factor, especially for high-tech...
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The realization of preventive maintenance (CBM)

Preventive maintenance can be developed efficiently with the knowledge gained from product development.
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